Monday 7 January 2013

Christmas 2012

The drive to Peter and Carla's home in Cowra was interrupted by stops we made to photograph some of the many creative and amusing Santas at farm gates. Here are just a few.

The first two photos are part of one statement. We thought it was very clever!

'end of the line'.... Rudolf on a spit!

Christmas Day and Boxing Day were family days filled with the sights and sounds of excited children. The pool was a hit with everyone and we all enjoyed a delicious lunch and dinner. Pete and Carla have the ideal spacious home for a large crowd. Kids slept on the floor and the garden was dotted with three caravans and a tent. We were especially happy to see our children and grandchildren after eight months travelling and to catch up on family happenings.

Sparkes siblings and families.
G'ma and G'pa, Matilda and Milli
Isabel, Addison, Moeana.

Chevorne and Moeana
Angie, Moe and Addison
Glenn and Alex

Moe and Addison
Isabel and Grandpa
Matilda and new friend.
Milli and Jacob

Ken and Leon ... Dishwashers extraordinaire!!

27.12.12 Lachlan River. Cowra.

The day after Boxing day were had a great day on the Lachlan River in an assortment of kayaks and canoes. Armed with hats, sunscreen, water and food we put the kayaks in upstream and paddled down to the town bridge for roughly two hours. Allan and Donna (niece) and three kids had arrived by then so the paddlers were Allan, Alex and James, Peter, Elliot, Morgan and Chevorne, Nan and Ken and me. We had fun with everyone splashing anyone within range. Memorable times for us all and a big thank you to our support crew!

A few days after the crowd thinned, Peter Carla and Chevorne left for a well-earned ten day holiday in Sydney. We stayed on, as arranged, to look after Ruby the dog and water the garden. We have had a wonderfully relaxed time, reading, watching cricket and tennis and sliding in and out of the pool through this heat wave. Although the temperatures have been in the high thirties, the heat is dry and much more comfortable than the humidity of the coast.

We haven't been totally indolent though. We have walked the dog on those days when we have risen while the day is still cool and we have emptied car and van and both have had a thorough clean. Everything has been washed except the once white van curtains which disintergrated and 50% of our clothing. Those items have been binned!

Pete and Carla and Chevorne will be home tomorrow and we will depart the next morning.


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