We took our time walking the cliff tops just south of Kalbarri where there is an extensive wheelchair friendly pathway affording spectacular views of the rugged coastline which falls within the Kalbarri NP. It weaves its way along through wildflowers for eight kilometres, with steep drops down to the rocks below. It was extremely windy, beautiful and exhilarating.
We turned off the Coast Highway on a gravel road to go to Hutt River Principality. Glenn was particularly interested in the history of this place and the man who was Prince. We went to the chapel where the thrones are and Glenn sat in the Prince's chair. We had an amazing tour with the Prince who explained many of the documents he had from foreign Heads of State and his battle against the government wheat quotas which led to his succession from Australia. He had 13000 acres usually planted with wheat and the new quotas meant only 100 acres could be put to wheat. His livelihood was threatened and he objected but to no avail. Eventually he lawfully created his own country and has stamps and coins and issues visas to those who cross the border from Australia to the Hutton River Principality. He is an extremely feisty man in his eighties, very happy to talk about his life.
There were some very interesting sculptures around the garden, all constructed from pieces of machinery. Apart from this grader, there was a sailing ship and a motorbike.
Once back on the coast road we stopped in to look at Coronation Beach which had been recommended as a campsite but there was a howling gale making a beautiful spot unappealing to all but the kite surfers who were loving it!
Next stop Geraldton.
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